Newsletter – Week Ending 2 March

Join a Lent Study + Lent studies available now Ash Wednesday is on the 5th of March this year, it’s a good opportunity to sign up and join a House Church for the Lent Study. We have a range of times and days of the week available. House churches are a great way...

Newsletter – Week Ending 23 February

Picnic this Sunday 23rd February – 11:45pm – 1:30pm Our Church Picnic will take place this Sunday 23rd of February – invite a friend or two, families and neighbours to join us, as we launch into 2025. Bring your own picnic, or grab a bite from the...

Newsletter – Week Ending 16 February

Beverley Shore Bennett – Bequest “It’s not me it’s God working through me”  We would like to acknowledge and thank Beverley Shore Bennett and her family for Beverly’s  generosity to Karori Anglican Church. Beverley Shore Bennett died at Waikanae on September 3rd...

Newsletter – Week Ending 9 February

Volunteers wanted  As we get underway with the new year, we are looking to expand our volunteers for our Sunday Services. Whether it be assisting with reading, morning tea, serving, welcoming, or something else, please get in touch with the office!...