Newsletter – Week Ending 23rd April

TE KORŌRIA UPDATE This week we hit a snag, which has a knock-on delay effect for some of the necessary work to completion so our opening dates will need to be delayed a little.  Revised opening dates will be confirmed next week and we will let you know then.  Whilst...

Newsletter Week Ending 5th March

EVENSONG – SUNDAY 5 MARCH 6pm Join us this Sunday for Evensong and supper at St Mary’s           KARORI ANGLICAN AGM This year’s AGM will be held on Monday, 27th March starting at 7pm.  Like last year, the annual report will be in...

Newsletter Week Ending 26th February

  This Sunday the collection in both services is for those who are suffering in Hawkes Bay. The diocese is collecting and distributing via Anglican Missions. If you would like to give electronically, please use the reference ‘HBay’ and use our Church Account (02...

Newsletter Week Ending 19th February

ASH WEDNESDAY  – NEXT WEEK Lent is starting next week and we will hold Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday services.   Ash Wednesday Service – 22nd of February, 7pm at St Mary’s Lent Studies – If you are following the Lent Studies daily devotions...

Newsletter Week Ending 12th February

    GODZONE IS BACK! Our Sunday kids ministry is back! We are excited to start the year and see the kids again this Sunday as our programmes resume at the 10.30 Service.   We have JAM  (Jesus and Me) for pre-schoolers, Impact for school years 0-5 and...