Newsletter Week Ending 11 July

ALPHA COURSE Weds, 4 August at 7pm – 8 week course kicks offThe Alpha Course is still open to anyone who wants to attend.  If you missed the welcome dinner, no problem, you are more than welcome on the 4th, just get in touch. You can ring our office on 04 476...

Newsletter Week Ending 4 July

PARISH DINNER THIS WEEKEND!We are looking forward to the Parish Dinner this Saturday, 3 July at 5pm for a 5.30pm start.We need some strong helpers to assist with setting up tables and chairs on Saturday afternoon. If you can help, please meet at St Mary’s church...

Newsletter Week Ending 27 June

      SUNDAY SERVICES UNDER COVID-19 ALERT LEVEL 2Wellington is currently at COVID Alert Level 2.  At this level, Karori Anglican will be holding services and will be following these rules: Services remain at 9am and 10.30am. Morning tea will not be...

Newsletter Week Ending 20 June

ALPHA COURSE Weds, 7 July – Intro Dinner Weds, 4 August at 7pm – 8 week course kicks offAlpha is an opportunity to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment. More info on Alpha can be found at this link Invitations are...
Newsletter Week Ending 13 June

Newsletter Week Ending 13 June

PARISH DINNER – SAT, 3 JULY Seats are filling fast! Let us know if you can come and if you have already been invited to a specific table. Feel free to invite friends along as this is a great missional opportunity for our Parish! If you haven’t already,...

Newsletter Week Ending 6 June

Now that our SGM has approved proceeding with Te Korōria construction, we have taken a significant step forward!  The next step is to get final sign off from the Diocese (because they own the land and all buildings), and we are in the process of finalising the loan...

Newsletter Week Ending 30 May

ONE ALL-AGE SERVICE THIS SUNDAY10AM – 30 MAY We are running one 10am service this Sunday. Please note that we will not be gathering for our usual morning tea after this service. Instead, house church groups will be cooking meals in their homes for the purposes...

Newsletter Week Ending 23 May

SGM RESULTSThe SGM to vote on going ahead with the New Build  – ‘Te Kororia’ –  took place on Monday, 17 May. We are delighted to report that there were close to fifty parishioners in attendance who voted overwhelmingly in favour of going ahead with the...

Newsletter Week Ending 16 May

SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGMonday, 17 May – 7pmVenue: Activity Room (Hall Complex)The next Special General Meeting is to make a final decision on our commitment to Te Korōria. Supper will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there! Copies of the proposal will...

Newsletter Week Ending 9 May

SGM – NOTE CHANGE OF DATEWhen: Monday, 17 May – 7pmVenue: Activity Room (Hall Complex)The next Special General Meeting is to make a final decision on our commitment to Te Korōria. Supper will be provided. Please save this date in your calendars now! Copies...