Newsletter Week Ending 9 August

EPHESIANS SERIESThe 7 week series on Ephesians continues… EUTHANASIA & THE CHRISTIAN FAITHKarori Baptist Church (KBC) is hosting Dr. Myk Habets and Dr. Peter Thirkell to discuss Euthanasia and the Christian Faith on Saturday, 15 August at KBC, 161-163 Karori...

Newsletter Week Ending 2 August

REMINDER – CHURCH CAMP (HOLIDAY) 12 – 14 March 2021 – Palm Grove Christian Camp, ParaparaumuPlease put this date in your diary now! We have booked a speaker and are organising a kids programme for our Camp.  Don’t worry – you wont be staying in tents! ...

Newsletter Week Ending 26 July

FRIDAY FISH & CHIPS TONIGHT!Friday 24 July, 5.30-7.00pm at St Mary’s churchIf you would like to join us tonight for fish & chips then please contact Kate this morning (021 1245471) or so that she can add you to the order.  Koha can...

Newsletter Week Ending 19 July

GIVING RECEIPTSA few parishioners have recently had their KAC giving receipts rejected by IRD. If this has affected you, please contact Heidi in the office and she will provide you with a replacement receipt printed on KAC letterhead. NEW BUILD – PROGRESS...

Newsletter Week Ending 12 July

LIBRARY TEAM REQUIRED We require a few dedicated people to join our library team to assist with the stacking of books in the Parish Office Library.If you are interested, please contact Heidi CHURCH PEWSInterested in Purchasing a Pew?At our...

Newsletter Week Ending 5 July

CHURCH PEWSInterested in Purchasing a Pew?At our AGM the Parish decided to relocate and sell the pews currently stored on our grounds. The ways of doing this included offering them to Parishioners for purchase.The grass has been growing under the pews for long...

Newsletter Week Ending 28 June

STAFF & VESTRY RETREAT 26 – 28 JuneKAC Staff and Vestry will be away this weekend (Friday to Sunday) on their annual Retreat. THIS WEEK IS NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEKNational Volunteer Week celebrates the collective contribution of all volunteers who enrich...

Newsletter Week Ending 21 June

MORNING PRAYERS We are pleased to advise that Morning Prayers have started back up at St Mary’s Church each week day from 7.30am to 8.30am. “Be still in the presence of the Lord” WENDY DAVIDSON – ON LEAVEOur pastoral manager Wendy Davidson is...

Newsletter Week Ending 14 June

10.30AM SERVICES ARE BACK!Now that restrictions have been relaxed, we are thrilled to advise that our 10.30am service will recommence from this Sunday. Children can now join us from the beginning of the service and tea and coffee will be served at both the 9.00am and...

Newsletter Week Ending 7 June

MANNA MINISTRIESContainers will be available at church this Sunday for you to take home to make some Manna Ministry meals so we can fill the freezer again. These meals will be available to help people in need in our Karori community. The Church Office is now open...