Church Services Resume 31 May

Resuming Sunday Services in New Alert Level 2 At Karori Anglican we are keen to start holding our Sunday services at both St Mary’s and St Matthias churches now that the new Alert Level 2 allows church gatherings of up to 100. House Church groups will continue to meet...

Newsletter Week Ending 24 May

Online Alpha Course Anglican Movement is offering the opportunity for people to discover Jesus by joining an online Alpha course during Covid-19. Alpha will run 7 pm Sundays. It started last week but it’s not tool late to join in. The Alpha Course is a series of...

Newsletter Week Ending 17 May

Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Thursday, 21 May is Ascension Day. We invite you to take part in our annual ten days of praying for God’s Kingdom to Come. The Diocese is providing us with excellent resources including a 24/7 Virtual Prayer room and family resources....

Newsletter Week Ending 10 May

Thank you for your generous giving to our Ministries. $132,000 has been donated so far this year –  we need it more than ever due to COVID-19. IMPORTANT TO NOTE:- Pastoral Giving is $34,000 below our budget to the end of April, partly due to COVID-19....

Newsletter Week Ending 3 May

New Build Resource Consent We are very excited to announce that we have received resource consent from Wellington City Council for our New Build.  We are very grateful for all the donations that have been made to date in order to make the New Build possible, and...

Update from Rev Ian Cook 24 April

Dear Parishioner I trust you and yours are all well and ‘holding the fort’ for one another going into week five and Alert Level 3 starting next Tuesday. I was saying to our House Church leaders this morning that both House Churches I have been involved with over the...

Newsletter Week Ending 19 April

40hr Famine  – Seeking a Coordinator for KAC effort in 2020 World Vision needs our help now more than ever.  The impact of COVID-19 on poor nations will be devastating, supporting the 40hr famine is one way we can make a difference beyond NZ borders. We are...

Weekly Newsletter Week Ending 12 April

Easter Services Join in the online Diocesan Easter services this weekend. Thursday 7.30 pm  – Maundy Thursday Service from WhanganuiFriday 10 am – Good Friday Reflection from WhanganuiSaturday 8 pm (Note the new time) – Chrism...

Newsletter Week Ending 5 April

Get Connected There are many ways you are able to stay connected with our Church whānau during this time of lock down.  We are updating our website; check out our new video update from Vicar Ian Cook, by clicking on this link,  or by...