On 1 March we welcomed Ian Cook as our new Vicar and his wife Ruth as our Parish Chaplain. We also awarded Bishop’s medals to Jan Peleton and Shirley Black.

We Remember
Euan Pearce who died last week. His funeral service will be held at St Mary’s, Thursday 5 March, 11 am. Please keep Jane and their families in your prayers.
Rev David Jones who died last week. His funeral service will be held at St Matthias, Makara,
Thursday 5 March, 2 pm. Please remember Jennifer and their family in your prayers.

Good Food, Good Company
If you have not been at KAC long, or would like a safe place to invite your non-church friends and family – come and join us for a relaxed evening around good food. We are all ages and meet on the second Sunday every month.
Next Dinner: 8 March, 5 pm at 51 Glen Rd. If you would like to come or just find out a bit more – speak to Yvette or Ruth 0272973993 or Wendy 0274885071.

Lent Small Groups Study
The Diocesan Lent small group study begins the first week of March. The study is only six weeks long and we are encouraging as many people as possible to take part this year. It’s not too late to join up.
We also have developed an online survey to help people reflect on where they are in their discipleship journey. The link to the survey has been sent out via our email newsletter mailing list. If you haven’t received it and would like to please contact the church office.

Diocesan Team Training Day
It is for all teams and their leaders, including vestry members, wardens, children’s ministry volunteers, youth workers, those who serve the cups of tea, clergy, those in lay ministry….. you’re all invited to Team Training Day. So get together at Samuel Marsden Collegiate, Karori, Saturday 14 March.

7.00 pm, Monday 30 March 2020, St Mary’s Church
The evening begins at 7 pm with shared dessert and coffee. Please bring dessert to share. Meeting starts at 7.30 pm. Nominations and any items to be raised at the AGM must be given to the Vicar, Ian Cook, by no later than 22 March midday. Nomination forms are available in the Gathering Area.
Please note: No impromptu business will be accepted on the Meeting’s Agenda. Please note, only those on the Parish Electoral Roll can vote. Parish Electoral Roll is available in the office and will be in the Gathering Area. If you wish to be added to the Electoral Roll please complete an application form in the gathering area and return to Wendy or the Church Office.

Do you knit or want to learn to knit?
Do you want to help others?
Love N Stitches do just that with love and laughter.
Love N Stitches meet second Saturday of the month,
1.30—4 pm. Next meeting 14 March at the church office. Everyone Welcome.

PlayGarden Next Steps!
Thanks to our generous givers…. We have money… We have sponsorship… We have plants and compost! And so we will have the planting of a beautiful bed of shrubs and flowers up at the vicarage to complete the vision of a welcoming outdoor space for all people in our community.
Saturday 14 March from 10 am-2 pm
We are using a borrowed rotary hoe to dig up the
15m x 3m piece of turf. We need 4-5 strong people to do this in shifts and to turn the soil.
29 March after the 10 am combined service we will be digging in compost and holding a Planting Party and Picnic. We will be putting in the 50 or so plants + seedlings prepared by SMASH children! We need as many people as possible for this. Bring your spades, forks and protective gloves/hat/mask. Wheelbarrows or buckets needed too.

St Mary’s ECEC Playground Redevelopment
After some excellent lead up work by St Mary’s ECEC Management Committee over the last year, Vestry has approved expenditure of $46,000 from St Mary’s ECEC reserves to redevelop the playground. The current play environment is dated and in need of an overhaul.
We sought help from a well-known early childhood education playground designer who has come up with a new design that offers a natural environment that supports young children’s sense of adventure, allows them to problem solve and explore whilst ensuring they are always safe. The Four Winds Foundation have granted $13,000 towards the cost of the development and we expect to start work soon.