Last week the vicar and wardens sent out a letter about the current finances of Karori Anglican. Thank you so much to those who have already responded and either made a one off donation or increased their regular giving – it is so encouraging – thank you! If you haven’t had a chance yet to read and pray and consider if you can help, here is the link to the letter LINK
On the screens in the gathering area there will be more information this weekend as to our history of generous giving.
Games evening
Wednesday March the 13th at 7pm we are having a games night at Te Korōria
There will be a number of games set up – including board games and role playing games. Invite your friends and come along!
Drinks and nibbles will be provided.
Easter Retreat 2024
This year the Central Easter camp is not running due to staffing issues. But, AYM is running an Easter Retreat from 29 March to the 1 April. The cost comes to $200pp.
If you are interested in going, please contact
This week it is time for a classic Kiwi Birthday Party and lots of active games (like Human Capture the Flag and dodgeball)
Please contact if you would like to come along or have any questions.
Yvette Michalska update
As some of you may know Yvette, our SMASH manager and Karori Anglican community member had a severe break in her ankle a couple weeks ago.
We are so grateful that her surgery went well, even though there were a few delays – hopefully she will be back in the office on Monday.
Church Working Bee
We have a church working bee to clean up the church on Easter Saturday 30th March from 9:30am – 12pm. Bring your own tools/cleaning implements and morning tea will be provided.
Please put the date in your diary, the more helpers the faster it will get down – help us get the church looking amazing before Easter Sunday. If you would like to help out please RSVP to
Tower Repairs
Repair of the church tower is now taking place. This involves strengthening at the top, and replacement of some of the wood and an exterior re-paint. This work is generously funded by a grant provided to buildings designed by Frederick de jersey Clere. There will be scaffolding constructed on the exterior, but wont block any car parks or the dirve way!
Save the date – AGM is on Monday 15th April in Te Korōria
ECEC donations
ECEC is making improvements to its environment, including replacing the worn shade sails that the children play under in the sand pit, construction table and water pit. They have worn through with wires now protruding! At just over $8,000 to replace the two shade sails, we would love it if you would consider donating towards the cost of these replacements. If you are able to support this work, please donate to Karori Anglican Church (then you will be able to receive a tax receipt) using ref ECEC Sail in your payment details. Our account number is 02 0500 0019955 00.
Help Te Korōria

Welcome to our new student counsellor
Welcome to Lisa Fraser our new Student Counsellor – she is available for booking sessions from March 21st. Please let anyone know who might be interested. Sessions are 1 hour and are available for a Koha. Lisa is
in her third year of study and completing her final placement.
To book a session email
Samuel Marsden open morning
Marsden warmly invites families considering a Marsden education to their first Open Mornings for the year:
- Tuesday 19th March (Preschool – Year 6)
- Friday 22nd March (Year 7-13)
For more information and to register, please visit
Scholarships for entry in 2025 are now open. FOr more information and to apply,visit
The Street Church seminar – Richard Black
Richard Black is running a seminar on behalf of The Street Church on Sat 22 June. This is focused on helping Christians navigate and respond to a sexually diverse world. It runs from 9am – 3:30pm, tickets are $20 per person.
If you are interested please register via their website at
Hope Project for Karori
Hope for Karori involves delivering and praying for streets in Karori. Please get in touch with Joanne Harvey if you can assist deliver 0212399440
Along with this, this coming Monday 11 March at 7:30-8:30pm we are holding a prayer meeting in the Beauchamp St chapel. This is led by The Street Church West, to pray God’s blessing over our local community. All are welcome.
Physio now taking bookings
We are excited to let you know that a physio practice has joined our offering at Te Korōria, located next to our counselling rooms. Caroline Appleton is offering physio sessions from the 13th of February, you can book with her directly online
Music Team
KAC’s music team are looking to add a few more people (particularly sound techs, guitarists, vocalists, and worship leads) to their team. if you play an instrument and want to get involved, or want to help out with sound engineering for the worship teams, contact John Locker ( or Rev Ian Cook (
Karori Community Singers
Wednesday mornings from 10:30am to 12pm the Karori community singers welcome you to join them. All are welcome!
Room Available
A room is available in The Vicarage residence. It is a large single room with internet provided and power bill shared among the flatmates. Rent is $215 weekly. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please ask them to contact the office.
Karori Golf Club
Please contact Geoff Lee for more details: