Thank you for your generous giving to our Ministries.

$132,000 has been donated so far this year – we need it more than ever due to COVID-19.
– Pastoral Giving is $34,000 below our budget to the end of April, partly due to COVID-19.
– Thankfully we expect to receive a wages subsidy of $40,000 which should offset the drop in giving initially.
– As you assess your financial position in the light of COVID-19, please place your future giving to the Parish high in your priorities. Our Ministries are important, and we know they will be in demand.
– Please consider giving your tax rebate on donations to our ministries.
– Cash and Envelope Givers – please change over to automatic payment if that is at all possible
Resuming Sunday Services in Alert Level 2
At Karori Anglican we are keen to start holding our Sunday services at both St Mary’s and St Matthias churches from Alert Level 2 status (probably 17 May), however, this will depend on the restrictions that Level 2 brings. We expect to receive this information through a Government announcement on Monday, 11 May and we will update the parish once this has been received. House Church groups will continue to meet this week as usual.
Until we know the full restrictions relating to Alert Level 2, we will be following these guidelines:
– The 9 am service is for those without children and over 70’s.
– The later morning service will start at 11 am to allow time for cleaning between services.
– The 11 am service will be for families, youth and those under 70.
– Morning tea will not be served.
– There will be no contact during the peace.
– Seats will be set-up 1 metre apart.
– Communion will be by bread/ wafer only.
– There will be a thorough cleaning of publicly used surfaces between services.
– Parents will take their children directly to GodZone and pick them up from there as they leave.
– We will be keeping a record of who attends for contact tracing.
Please note these guidelines may change between now and the opening of the churches. Parishioners will be advised of any updates, as we hear of them. Also we understand that some of you may feel that this may be too much of a risk for you to start attending services again at the moment and that’s OK.
Once open, and to keep within strict health and safety guidelines, we will be initiating thorough cleaning of publicly used surfaces between and after the 9 am and 11 am services. We are now looking for volunteers (preferably people who don’t already volunteer) to help with this job. Please let Heidi know if you can assist with this.
Manna Ministry Meals
Our community here in Karori may be different going forward as a result of Covid-19. There may be needs that we as a church community can help with. As a first step we would like to fill our Manna Ministry freezer again. Sunday 31 May is a fifth Sunday we would like you to consider taking this opportunity to make some Manna Meals. You could join with other members of your house church groups or just make this meals in your own home. We will provide the containers and arrange a time for you to drop them off.