Interested in Confirmation?

We have a Confirmation course starting on the 4th of May. There will be 5 one hour sessions right after Church on a Sunday at 12pm in the Kikorangi Room, led by Ben. There will then be the opportunity to be confirmed at Pentecost (8th June). If any youth or youth adults want to confirm your baptism and faith, or get baptised please sign up.

Sign up for the youth course by contacting Ben at or see him after Church. If you would like to explore an adult Confirmation or baptism course, please contact Ian.

Guest Choir This Sunday 9am 

There will be a guest choir at the 9.00a.m Service this Sunday. The Youth Cathedral Choristers of Wellington Cathedral will be visiting us, please spread the word for friends to join us. The choir members are aged between 8 and 15 years and the Cathedral treble programme represents one of the finest musical educations available to young people in New Zealand. The Choristers are often called on to sing in professional engagements, have appeared with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and Orchestra Wellington.

The Director of Music, Michael Stewart, is looking for new choristers for 2025. Please contact Michael at if you are interested in finding out more.

Games Night this Wednesday at Te Korōria ! 

Te Korōria Games Nights are back up and running every third Wednesday from the 19th March. Please invite friends and neighbours to join.

Kicking off at 7pm, with pizza and hot chocolate provided !

AGM Date 

Reflections: Annual General Meeting 2024. | Mediation Services

Save the Date – Our AGM will be held on Monday 7th April at 7pm, for a 7:30pm start in St Mary’s Church this year. As well as reviewing the past year we will also begin an interactive exploration of community needs as part of our missional planning.

If you have an item you would like included in general business as part of the AGM please send notice in writing with a brief description of the item to Ian Cook. Please note this must be provided by Saturday 29th March

Electoral Roll 

Are you on our electoral roll? Would you like to be? Being on the roll allows you a vote on significant decisions regarding Karori Anglican’s future.

To join the roll you need to :

  • Be baptised
  • Have been an active member of the church for at least 4 months in the last 2 years
  • Not on an electoral roll of any other parish

In order to join you need to complete a form that is witnessed by the Vicar and Church Wardens. The Roll and the forms will be available in the Gathering area each Sunday for the next two weeks. You can also email to check if you are already on the roll.

New TK Manager

Great news! We have appointed our new Te Korōria Manager – Rippan Kaur who starts on Saturday the 29th of March. She brings a wealth of experience as a chef and is Early Childhood trained.

Liz leaves us this Sunday the 15th of March and we wish her all the very best for her future at Paramount Cleaning, we know she won’t be a stranger. We are very grateful to all she has brought to Te Korōria.

Lent has now begun 

Join Ian for silent prayer in St Mary’s Church from Monday – Thursday mornings from 7:30am – 8:30am until the end of Lent.

You can access the lent study by clicking HERE

You can see your House Church groups by clicking HERE

Important Service dates: 

  • Palm Sunday 13th April
  • Maundy Thursday Service 17th April 7pm St Mary’s Church
  • Good Friday Family Service 18th April 10am and Easter Vigil 12pm – 2pm
  • Easter Sunday Service 20th April 8am and Family Service 10am

Rosters finalised 

There have been a few changes to the rosters since the email was sent out (specifically the 10:30am service). Apologies there was a bit of a technical error! There will be a new hardcopy put up in the welcome area cupboard. A friendly reminder that if you are no longer available for your rostered date, please arrange a swap yourself.

Click here for 9am

Click here for 10:30am

Intermediate Youth – CHAOS

Please click the link HERE to register for Youth/Intermediate Youth

Thursday 13th March: Asterix and Obelix are in town. Meet 6pm 170 Karori Road, dinner provided.

Thursday 20th March: SPORTS, SPORTS, SPORTS joins us for a night full of different sports and competitions. Dinner will be provided (6 – 8 PM)

Youth – The Collective

Please click the link HERE to register for Youth/Intermediate Youth

Friday 14th March – We will meet at 6pm at Fryberg Beach to build rafts and race them! Fish and Chips for a gold coin

Friday 21st March – A generational Cookoff with the greatest of prizes, “Bragging rights” and something else (6 – 9 PM)

Youth Weekend Away

The date for our Youth Weekend Away has been confirmed for the 28th – 30th November! We will have a great time in the outdoors, playing lots of games, and learning more about Jesus. We will also have a guest speaker joining us!

If you would like to attend please get in touch with Ben –

Manna meals

We are in need of more Manna meals. House Church Leaders could you please plan a time with your group to prepare meals this quarter. We will have containers and labels available in the welcoming cupboard in the Church foyer from this Sunday for you to collect and fill.

Room in the Vicarage available!

Hotel, key, motel, rent, room, travel icon - Download on Iconfinder

We have a room available to rent in the Vicarage. Please email the office if you, or someone you know is interested.

Click HERE for the rental site.

Key upcoming dates:

  • Games Night – 19th March 7pm Te Korōria
  • Thursday night CHAOS –  20th March 6pm Te Whare ō Mere
  • Friday Night Youth –  21st March 6pm Te Whare ō Mere
  • Fish and Chips Night – 4th April, Friday 6pm
  • Gig Night – 5th April, Saturday
  • AGM – 7th April 7pm St Mary’s Church