Thy Kingdom Come Prayer
Thursday, 21 May is Ascension Day. We invite you to take part in our annual ten days of praying for God’s Kingdom to Come. The Diocese is providing us with excellent resources including a 24/7 Virtual Prayer room and family resources. https://movementonline.org.nz/blog/thy-kingdom-come-21-31-march-2020
Please remember our Pray for 5 initiative and chose 5 people that you would like to pray for every day from Ascension to Pentecost Sunday, 31 May. Be sure to check out Pete James’ new song, Thy Kingdom Come, on Youtube: https://www.thykingdomcome.global/resources/thy-kingdom-come-hymn-2020

Online Alpha Course
Anglican Movement is offering the opportunity for people to discover Jesus by joining an online Alpha course during Covid-19. Alpha will run 7 pm Sundays beginning on the 17th of May.
The Alpha Course is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Each session looks at a different question, and is designed to create conversation. There’s no pressure, no follow-up and no charge; it’s just an open, informal, and honest space to explore and discuss life’s big questions together. Each session will include a video on that session’s topic, finishing with a small group discussion where you can ask any question.
This is a great opportunity to invite a neighbour or a friend who is interested in Jesus to come and explore together. You can sign-up here https://movementonline.org.nz/blog/sign-up-for-alpha-during-covid-19.
House Churches
Like to connect with a group that meet online every week? Then join one of our House Churches (small groups). To join email kate@karorianglican.org.nz and she will be in touch to find the right group for you.

40 Hr Famine Challenge
This years famine is to raise money for the people of Malawai who are badly affected by climate change. They are fighting to survive droughts and floods that are unseasonal, unpredictable and devastating. But they do not fight alone. Through this year’s World Vision 40 Hour Famine, we’re fighting hunger and injustice, together.
Join us by taking part in the Challenge weekend. Head to http://famine.org.nz and set up your profile, chose a challenge. Last year some people didn’t talk for 40 hrs, lived out of a backpack, did 40 acts of kindness, walked 40 km, you can choose! Remember to link to the Karori Anglican Team. The first 10 registered get Chocolate delivered to your letterbox – Congratulations to Natalie Shaw and the Prior Family who have already secured theirs!
If you would like to hear first hand what its like in Malawi, one of the Youth Ambassadors (Hayley) who went to visit last year, will be online in our GodZone groups next weekend. Anyone is very welcome to come and listen to what she has to say. You can also check out some very inspiring video clips on the World Vision website too. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Kate – 0211245471.
If doing the challenge is not for you don’t worry, we need lots of sponsors too! Head to http://famine.org.nz to look for the Karori Anglican Team and sponsor us!
Manna Ministry Meals
Our community here in Karori may be different going forward as a result of Covid-19. There may be needs that we as a church community can help with. As a first step we would like to fill our Manna Ministry freezer again. Sunday 31 May is a fifth Sunday, we would like you to consider taking this opportunity to make some Manna Meals. You could join with other members of your house church groups or just make the meals in your own home.
But why will till then! You can start making some meals now. The Church Office will be open on Monday where you can pick up some containers for the meals and dropped off later.
Level 2 Church Services Update
As you will know we go to Level 2 this Thursday and the Government directive to meet only in groups of 10 or less means we will defer the move back to Sunday services for now until further notice. We are glad and thankful for our house church leaders and your own patience and flexibility over this period of uncertainty.
You have an option of continuing to meet online or meeting in person and your House Church leaders will consult with you about what you would prefer. The government have said after two weeks they will re-evaluate the next step for us all. Please be mindful of those among you who may still be nervous about meeting normally and if you do meet up please maintain one metre social distancing, no physical contact and thorough hand washing.
For your information Godzone Children’s ministry will continue to meet online on Sundays (see the KAC website for details https://www.karorianglican.org.nz/) The Diocese will continue to run the 10 am streamed service for all of us to connect to on Sunday morning. Youth group will continue to gather this Friday night online and may possibly meet Friday week live in small groups. Zac shall be in touch with parents to let them know.
Thank you all again for your patience and flexibility over this time. The House Churches are an important and vital way ahead for us as a church and I hope you are enjoying being a part of them.
Finally, we had a reading for our devotion at Vestry last month I would like to share with you – it is from Matthew 9:16 – 17. Jesus here is speaking of the new covenant he is about to bring being ‘a new wine’ – only suitable for containment by new wine skins which are able to stretch as the grapes ferment. I will leave you to read the rest of the parable and ponder its meaning yourselves.
If you have any concerns, please pass them on to your House Church leader.