
Working Bee

Working Bee – 1 July, 9am – 4pm

We have our first tenants ready to move into the Vicarage.  KA Staff have moved out of the offices today (well, mostly!) and on Saturday we need some helpers to moves the SMASH office down to Te Whare o Mere, and to CLEAN the offices ready for our new tenants who move in on Sunday!    If you are able to help clean, or carry, or do simple handyperson jobs then. please let Andrew know by emailing office@karorianglican.org.nz   Helping out for a couple of hours during the day would be great, just let us know if you are able to come.




Our monthly Evensong Service is on this Sunday at 6pm.





This week were very grateful to see the sun, and the asphalt went down transforming the space.  The front fence is down, the digital sign is up and running (and looking great!). Thank you all for praying for this part of the project!   The Choice construction staff are beginning their pack up, although there are a few remaining tasks outside the property for them to finish off over the next few weeks.

We have an inspection on Tuesday for our Certificate of Public Use (CPU).  Once inspected we wait for the paperwork and then we can open Te Kororia cafe and soft play.  We can only have staff on site until the  CPU is granted, so if you have a meeting that usually uses the offices please make alternative arrangement for next week.  We will let you know as soon as we have got this bit of paper!   The lift will take another week or so before completion.  We are in the middle of moving – with lots of things in boxes and it will take us a week or two to settle in, so please bear with us if we are a bit slow to reply to you.

The car park by the South side of the church is completed and car park spaces marked up, so you can use this from Sunday.


We are still looking for tenants for the remaining two rooms in The Vicarage. If you know of anyone looking for a room, please refer them to our listing on the Roomies Website. You can click here to access it. Or send them this link : https://www.roomies.co.nz/rooms/397402



Are you a young person looking for some casual hospitality work?  Dana (Te Korōria Manager) is recruiting a pool of casual staff who she can call on to work in the Café/soft play.  You need to be able to learn quickly, use initiative, and make people very welcome.   If you are interested please send your CV to dana@tekororia.org.nz.  If you have no experience, that is not a barrier, but you may need to do a few unpaid hours as a training.


Transitioning to Parish Giving

We are very grateful for all the donations towards Te Korōria and the property fund.  Going forward, money that is being donated regularly to Te Korōria will become part of our general giving donations, unless we hear from you that you specifically want this funding ringfenced towards Te Korōria. This enables Vestry and Finance committee to plan and manage our finances as effectively as possible, balancing our financial obligations (including the loan we have for completing Te Korōria) and our ministry needs (including salaries for Youth worker, Treasurer etc ) as we seek to increase the way we serve and strengthen our local community.

If you have increased your donations over the short term to contribute to Te Korōria, we ask you to prayerfully consider keeping up this level of overall giving to Karori Anglican to enable the ministries we believe God has called us all into to continue.


The Collective


For the Last Friday of this Term we are going Ice Skating.The Meeting Point is 6:45 at the Daytona Adventure Park. If you need Transportation let me know!!!!Cost is 15$





Diamond Anniversary

Congratulations to Jenifer and Arnold Hart who celebrated their Diamond Anniversary last Sunday. We are thankful for their gifts of beautiful flowers for the Hall and the scrumptious morning tea spread.


40 Hour Famine

Congratulations to al lthose who participated in the 40 hour famine to raise foods for World VIsion. A total of $2513 was raised. Well done everybody.



The Vicarage 

With our move to Te Korōria, The Vicarage will become tenanted accommodation. In effect, it will be a private residence and should be treated as such.
If you are holding a key to The Vicarage, please return it to Andrew at the office or drop it into the letter box in the church foyer.


The roster for July and August is ready

The rosters for both services have been uploaded to Infoodle. They can be downloaded here. A printout will be pinned to the notice board in the church foyer. Please check your schedule and notify Andrew at the office if you would like changes to the schedule. Andrew is finalising the roster for September and October and will upload it as soon as he can.


Sabbatical Leave

Please note that our Vicar, Rev Ian Cook will be away on sabbatical from Monday, 19th June for three months.  Sabbatical leave is an important time to reflect, learn and be renewed for priests.  Ian is visiting Australia and Europe during this period and will be taking part in learning communities, retreats and visiting various parishes in the United Kingdom.  In Ian’s absence, we have a number of people temporarily taking on particular roles. If in doubt about who to talk to about anything, please contact the office in the first instance.





From Maree Foster:

We are pleased to advise that we have two Cursillo’s taking place this year, a men’s Cursillo in June and the woman’s Cursillo in Masterton.  Cursillo is a short course on ‘Christian Living’ but it is more than this.  This is a lay ministry run through the Anglica n Church.  We have two teams who have trained hard the past year and have put together some fantastic talks and testimonies to share throughout the weekend.  Cursillo is a time when we draw closer to the Lord in our relationship with him and a time to simply come and experience all that he has for us.  It is a time to be blessed with so many unexpected blessings throughout the weekend and to experience Christ’s love in action as well as fellowship with those around you.  Meals are all provided and you will have your own bedroom.  Cursillo is such a gift to us all.  If you would like to come and experience a Cursillo as a pilgrim our weekends are on:

Men’s M45 – 22-25 June 2023 – El Rancho, Waikanae
Woman’s W45 – 6-9 July 2023 – St Matthew’s Collegiate – Masterton

If you would like to attend, please click on the link and complete the application form: https://cursillo.org.nz/downloads/app_forms/cursillo_application_form_2017.pdf

We can arrange a sponsor for you and your sponsor will take you to and from your Cursillo weekend so you don’t need to worry about transport.  Once you have completed the application form, please scan and email this to: registrar@cursillo.org.nz  Applications close on Friday, 9 June for the men’s Cursillo and Friday, 30 June for woman’s Cursillo.”



A Big Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came along to help clean and prepare the rooms at Te Wharae O Mere as we prepare to move SMASH into those rooms/. Your help is greatly appreciated at this Saturday’s Working Bee too.

School Holiday Programme

SMASH is running their school holiday programme. Please let people know who could be interested, it’s a fun programme and run by great staff. If financial hardship is an issue for families attending there are fund opportunities that can be applied for to reduce cost barriers if needed.
Email office@thesmashclub.org.nz or visit their website: www.TheSMASHClub.org.nz.

Job openings – SMASH is looking for dedicated staff to work in a childcare service known for its excellence! 

If you are exploring a career with children, SMASH is a great place to work. We provide afterschool and holiday care for junior school children. Our young and committed staff have been described as fun to be around and our work culture a place to be where “it doesn’t feel like you are really working.”  We are looking for part-time and casual staff and our hours work well with university students and recent graduates looking to enter the work force. Training and support throughout your time with us.
Please contact Yvette at office@thesmashclub.org.nz for more information on both childcare needs and employment opportunities.

Early Childhood Education Centre


Qualified ECE or primary teacher job opportunity – Full time or part time to work in our early childhood education centre. We pay our teachers along the pay parity line to level six but this can also be negotiated for the right person. St Mary’s ECEC is a small boutique centre with a great team. We are looking for a part-time cook for our early childhood education centre, in Karori. The hours are 8:30 – 1:30 Mon – Fri.
If you are interested or know someone who might be,  please contact  heather@stmaryschildcare.org.nz  both positions due to start ASAP.


MindHealth Counselling Available


Please continue to promote our koha counselling with Rochelle to neighbors, friends and family. Just email counselling@tekororia.org.nz.
Rochelle has now seen several clients and has had lots of positive feedback.
Sarah Richards is also available, please email sarah@mindhealth.org to book.

Counselling times are available between 8.00am – 5.00pm Fridays with Rochelle or Wednesdays with Sarah.
Contact counselling@tekororia.org.nz to book a time:






We use the programme Infoodle to organise and manager church activities. If you need to use Infoodle and you already have an account, here is a gentle reminder that the website is : https://kac.infoodle.com/home




You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything.’ Matt 5:13