Join a Lent Study + Lent studies available now
Ash Wednesday is on the 5th of March this year, it’s a good opportunity to sign up and join a House Church for the Lent Study. We have a range of times and days of the week available. House churches are a great way to get to know others and to have rich conversations that deepen our faith. This year we are looking at the Holy Spirit.
We have a sign up sheets available in the gathering area, with a description of what each House Church is about. You can also see our House Church groups by clicking HERE, please contact the office if you would like to join a house church and we will make arrangements.
The Lent studies are now ready and will be available in the gathering area on Sunday.
Ash Wednesday
Karori Anglican Church will be holding an Ash Wednesday Service on Wednesday 5th of March at 7 pm at St Mary’s – Join us to start off Lent
Friendly reminder that Evensong is on this Sunday 1st March 6pm
Manna meals
We are in need of more Manna meals. House Church Leaders could you please plan a time with your group to prepare meals this quarter. We will have containers and labels available in the welcoming cupboard in the Church foyer from this Sunday for you to collect and fill.
Freezer Donation to the Church
We are on the lookout for a good quality small chest freezer to keep Manna meals in. Please get in contact with the office if you are able to help
Picnic Fun
Thank you to everyone who shared the sunshine with us on Sunday after Church, was great to see everyone and finally kick off the new year!
Cross is up
The Cross has been put up and looks amazing! Thank you to everyone who helped out – especially Gill Du Toit and Scott Wheeler
New Wine 2026
A reminder that if you book for New Wine ’26 by the Friday 28th February and pay by the 30th June you will secure a Super Early Bird discount – Click HERE to register
Youth Weekend Away
Intermediate Youth – CHAOS
Please click the link HERE to register for Youth/Intermediate Youth
Thursday 27th February: We have found a body and we need your help to solve the mystery surrounding this grievous murder! See you at 6 PM, dinner provided.
Thursday 6th March: Join us for the most epic game show! See you at 6pm, dinner provided.
Youth – The Collective
Please click the link HERE to register for Youth/Intermediate Youth
Friday 28th February – The Greatest Quiz Show in the Universe is Back. Win the esteemed prize of a handful of donuts. 6 PM dinner for a gold coin
Friday 7th March – Pizza making, table tennis, human battleships… what more could you want!
Parishioners in need of Accomodation
- One of our parishioners is looking for a room to rent
- We have another parishioner looking for a place to stay while they find a house
Please get in contact with the church office if you can help.
Human Lawn Mowers Wanted!
Join our lawn mowing team and mow a section of the Church lawns (approx) once every 2 months. Get in touch with Ian if you are interested –
Creche Helpers & Register for GodZone 2025
Love babies/toddlers?
Want to help out in our creche/JAM? (Jesus and Me) We are looking for volunteers to help out in this valuable ministry supporting both parents and children during the 10.30am Service. If you are interested in helping please get in touch with the office.
Please click the link HERE to register for GodZone (all children need to register).
Room in the Vicarage available!
We have a room available to rent in the Vicarage. Please email the office if you, or someone you know is interested.
Click HERE for the rental site.
Key upcoming dates:
- Thursday night CHAOS – 27th February 6:15pm Te Whare ō Mere
- Friday Night Youth – 28th February 6pm Te Whare ō Mere
- Ash Wednesday Service – 7pm – 5th March
- Fish and Chips Night – 4th April, Friday 6pm
- Gig Night – 5th April, Saturday