Happy Birthday – Te Korōria is turning 1!

Te Korōrias first birthday is coming up! Amazing ! Time to celebrate.

We are hosting a birthday party (low key!), to thank the congregation for supporting us so faithfully. This milestone will be celebrated here at TK on the 14th of July from 4:30pm. This will be a BYO event, with birthday snacks provided.

Youth & Parent Great Escape Weekend – 29 November – 1st December

Exciting news – planning is well underway for our next Youth weekend away in partnership with Scripture Union. This is open to all young people aged over 13 and their parents. It’s a weekend to hang out together in the beautiful Tongariro National Park, challenge yourself with some really awesome outdoor experiences, explore what you believe, consider what that means, as well as laughs and lots of food of course! We had a great time two years ago on the last camp – this time we also have Ben! We have confirmed the lodge – leaders are all locked in. Price TBC, but don’t let that stand in your way – we will be able to provide financial assistance if needed. Keen? Please register your expression of interest by sending Zoe and email  – office@karorianglican.org.nz as soon as possible.

Christ’s College Cambridge Choir

We are excited to announce that the Christ’s Choir of Cambridge are putting on a concert here at St Mary’s Anglican Church, on Sunday evening of July the 14th.

We need another three billet accommodation please – if you are able to host for one night (the 14th) please let Zoe in the office know. There are approximately 24 members of the choir who will be travelling to New Zealand.

If you are able to lend a hand, please let Zoe know office@karorianglican.org.nz


40 Hour Challenge 21-23 June

40 Hour is this Weekend! Click Here to sign up. Join the Karori Anglican Team by signing in to the website, and selecting your team as ‘Karori Anglican Church’.

If you have any questions let us know.

Our new Intermediate Youth – “CHAOS” (Christians Hyped About Our Saviour!)

Thursday 20/6 Let’s see how smart and how quick you are with a Kahoot Evening

Next Thursday 27th June join the youth for a chaotic midwinter christmas – with a traditional German Christmas dinner, baking and stealing Santa

Your Parish dinner theme is…..

Choose a decade! You can choose any decade from the dawn of time! Each table has the freedom to choose the decade they would like to dress up as.The 3rd of August is fast approaching so get your thinking caps on! Don’t forget to invite friends and neighbours and host a table by emailing office@karorianglican.org.nz.  Tables can seat 10-12 people. If you have more, then by all means book two next to each other!  Table hosts co-ordinate the food (its BYO).  Their are prizes for the best decorated table, and best costumes.

Youth – The Collective

Friday 21st June Bring your Knife Skills, bring your Cocking wits and show us how good you are at cooking

There will be no Youth on Friday the 28th due to Matariki


Synod 2024 19-21 October

Karori Anglican is hosting Synod 2024  19-21 October.  Synod is the gathering of the Bishop, Clergy and lay representatives for governance for the whole of the Diocese.  We are expecting around 250 people to be attending and we are the hosts!  Our usual services for this weekend will be held in the Marsden Chapel as all our buildings will be in use. We are also looking for volunteers (of course!) to help serve over the weekend, and/or to contribute food towards morning tea.  More info to come on this later!  If you would be willing to be involved in some shape or form please email Zoe (office@karorianglican.org.nz) so we can form a great team to serve together.  If you have ever wondered what Synod is all about this is a great opportunity to see it in action and to serve our Diocese.

Pastoral Conversations 101 – Richard Black 7th September

Pastoral Care Wellington Flyer 2024 (002)



Tower Update

The Bell Tower repairs and repainting are have gone well, you will see the freshly painted cross on the top of the tower!  Painting is complete.  We will be looking for volunteers to help paint the lowest section of the tower in due course.

Key upcoming dates:

  • Intermediate Games Night Thursday 20th June
  • Games Night at Te Korōria 7pm 17th July
  • Te Korōria First Birthday 14th July
  • Cambridge Choir 14th July
  • Parish Dinner 3rd August
  • SYNOD 19th-20th October
  • Great Escape Youth/Parent Weekend 29 November

‘For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life’ John 3:16