Sunday, 31 January 10am
This weekend’s only service is dedicated to farewelling the Wheelers as they prepare for their overseas mission at the end of February. NZCMS will also be in attendance on Sunday and will be commissioning Scott and Nikki. Please bring something to share for lunch after the service. Keep the Wheelers in your prayers as they prepare for this mission.

Wellington Cathedral, Molesworth Street
Sunday, 31 January 4pm
There will be a commissioning service for City Mission staff at the Cathedral this Sunday, 31 January at 4pm. This is intended to become an annual event. Your attendance will show support for the great work that City Mission do and in particular, during the unprecedented challenges of 2020.

Sunday, 14 February – after 10.30am service
We are looking forward to the Karori Anglican Fair Day & Pet Show on Sunday, 14 February – beginning after the 10.30am service. If you are able to help out on the day please let Kate know 0211245471. You can also assist by supplying a cake, slice or preserve for the baking stall. Either drop them to the office during the week before, or bring them along on the day. Don’t forget to invite your friends and neighbours along!

Tuesday, 9 February 7.00pm (nibbles) for 7.30pm start
We are holding a SGM to vote on releasing funds for preparation work for our new build, Te Korōria. The meeting will be held in the Activity Room, part of our current Parish Hall complex. A copy of the formal motion we are voting on will be available before the meeting. You do need to be on the parish electoral roll to vote. If you would like to be added to the parish roll please get it touch with Wendy Davidson by email wendy@karorianglican.org.nz

St Mary’s – Sunday, 7 February 6pm
A reminder to join us for Evensong with the St Mary’s church choir.

12-14 MARCH – SIGN UP NOW!!!
Karori Anglican Weekend Away
12-14 March at Palm Grove Christian Camp, Paraparaumu
Please let Heidi know if you would like to stay in a nearby house – and attend the camp each day – we get that bunk beds are not for everyone!
Grab your registration form and drop it back to us or take a photo of it and email it to Heidi heidi@karorianglican.org.nz
5 prizes yet to be claimed for early registrations!

Ian Cook is on leave from 21-31 January. For any urgent matters In his absence please contact Alison Camplin on 021 02706311 or Heidi in the parish office.

Amanda (a past congregation member who some of you will know well) is having a house built for her by Ngāti Awa River Monastery. They have hit unexpected compliance costs in the construction of her house and have asked whether anyone might be willing to donate some money towards resolving this issue for them. If you would like to make a donation, you can do this through our normal bank account, noting in the reference field what it is for, or via cash/envelope noting it is for Ngāti Awa.

Pick up a pricing schedule from the church foyer this Sunday, or, if you would prefer a copy emailed to you please request this via email to heidi@karorianglican.org.nz

Please note we are still under Alert Level 1 so it is very important that you continue to sign in when you attend services, either via the COVID tracer app or on paper.
A few things to note:
Morning Tea will be served.
Communion will be served as two elements.
Contact Tracing is still important, so if you have a phone download the app and scan in, or sign in with the person at the door when you come to a church service. https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-novel-coronavirus-resources-and-tools/nz-covid-tracer-app
Stay home if you’re sick, report flu-like symptoms and do not travel if unwell.
Remember: It is important to keep tracking the places you visit by using the Government Contact Tracing App, continue to regularly clean your hands and stay home if ill.