Easter Service Times
Maundy Thursday 28th March: 7pm
Good Friday 29th March: 10am Whānau Friendly, 12 noon Two Hour Vigil
Easter Sunday 31st March: 8am Traditional Service, 10am Whānau Service, 10am St. Matthias Service (Makara)
Church Working Bee
We have a church working bee to clean up the church on Easter Saturday 30th March from 9:30am – 12pm. Bring your own tools/cleaning implements and morning tea will be provided.
Please put the date in your diary, the more helpers the faster it will get down – help us get the church looking amazing before Easter Sunday. If you would like to help out please RSVP to office@karorianglican.org.nz
Te Kororia Easter Hours
Good Friday – Closed
Easter saturday 9am – 4pm
Easter Sunday – 9am – 4pm
Easter Monday – Closed
Te Kororia Games Night
Come along to Te Kororia on 17th April for Games Night. There will be a big selection of card and board games – something for everyone so invite a friend or come on your own. Be there for a 7pm start, with games getting underway at 7:15pm
Donation receipts
We will be doing our tax receipts at the end of March, so this is your last chance to donate if you want to claim your rebate almost straight away!
Thanks for your responses (and ongoing prayer) for funding Karori Anglican’s work. We are encouraged by the faithful response already.
We know that everyone’s circumstances are unique and commend your giving to prayerful consideration. We are aiming to increase our usual giving by 20% per household.
“We had a conversation about giving and realised our thinking around giving had shifted. We feel that giving is part of our Christian walk – we give because we are part of God’s Kingdom, and not because we are seeking favour from God. It’s part of what being a Christian means to us, the way we live out our faith. Therefore we increased our giving. Following Ian’s recent sermon we also made an extra donation for the same reason.” Annon Parishioner
Thank you so much for this, we appreciate you all very much
Youth is on Easter Break
Youth will resume after the Easter period
AGM is on Monday 15th April in Te Korōria from 7pm for a 7:30pm start.
We are inviting nominations for candidates to our vacant office positions – Peoples Wardens, Synod Representative, Vestry Members. You will need to complete a nomination form that is signed by two member who are on the electoral role (Available in gathering area). If you would like to know more about what each role entails, please get in touch with Ian Cook. Nominations close 8 days before the AGM (so Sunday 7 April).
If you have an item you would like included in general business as part of the AGM please send notice in writing with a brief description of the issue to Ian Cook. Please note this must be provided at least eight days in advance of the meeting.
Electoral roll
Are you on our electoral roll? would you like to be? Being on the Roll allows you to have vote on the direction of the Church.
To join the roll you need to :
- Be Baptised
- Have been a active member of the church for at least 4 months in the last 2 years
- Not on an electoral roll of any other parish
In order to join you need to complete a form that is witnessed by the vicar and Church Wardens. The Roll and the forms will be available in the Gathering area each Sunday. You can also email office@karorianglican.org.nz to check if you are already on the roll.
Welcome to our new student counsellor
Welcome to Lisa Fraser our new Student Counsellor – she is available for booking sessions from booking session NOW. Please let anyone know who might be interested. Sessions are 1 hour and are available for a Koha. Lisa is in her third year of study and completing her final placement.
To book a session email counselling@tekororia.org.nz
Physio now taking bookings
We are excited to let you know that a physio practice has joined our offering at Te Korōria, located next to our counselling rooms. Caroline Appleton is offering physio sessions from the 13th of February, you can book with her directly online https://www.fixphysio.co.nz/
Karori Community Singers
Wednesday mornings from 10:30am to 12pm the Karori community singers welcome you to join them. All are welcome!
Room Available
A room is available in The Vicarage residence. It is a large single room with internet provided and power bill shared among the flatmates. Rent is $215 weekly. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please ask them to contact the office.