Ray Muller is leading the 6.00pm Evensong service this Sunday at St Mary’s church.

We will have plans and pictures of the draft design available to look at after each service on
20 September. You can chat to Geoff and Kate about anything and everything New Build related!
It is very exciting to see the building come to life.
We have applied to the Lottery Grants Board for funding to support the project and we expect to hear back around 25 November. Our fundraising efforts continue as we seek a further $1.8m that we need.
Please keep our fundraising in your prayers and for a favorable decision from Lotteries! We had ten letters of support from various local organisations and it is very encouraging to see how supported and wanted the counselling, soft play, AYM (youth) base and café are.

Upcoming Election Forums are listed below. To find out more information click on the links.
A Fairer Aotearoa : Living Wage Movement Wellington – 3 September (tonight!) at 6.00pm
The Living Wage Election Forum will be streaming live from 6.00pm at the Living Wage Aotearoa New Zealand facebook page.
Enough for All : Election Forum 2020 – 16 September, 6-7.30pm – Anglican Movement and friends
St Peter’s on Willis Anglican Church
Come listen to the political parties answer the demands of people living and working on the frontlines of housing, welfare and tax issues. The online political forum will run from 6-7.30pm.
Ngā Kōrero: The Cannabis Referendum : Tuesday, 22 September at St Peter’s on Willis Anglican Church
Hear from the Rt. Hon. Helen Clark, Dr. Hirini Kaa, and Cr Tamatha Paul on the upcoming cannabis referendum. This event is now sold out but will be live-streamed on their Facebook page for those who can’t make it in person

As travel is impossible this year Archbishop (Emeritus) Sir David Moxon (and others) will lead a virtual pilgrimage exploring the life and theology of St Francis and St Clare and their relevance today.
Hosted by Rev John Hornblow, Dr Jenny Boyack and All Saints Parish, join the pilgrimage on
3 Otober from 9.30am-4.30pm at the All Saints Community Centre, Palmerston North.
Cost is $15 (payable at the door) and includes refreshments, a light lunch and a resource booklet.
Registration is essential. To register visit www.pilgrimagenz.nz. Enquiries 021 437 566.

As an addition to the Friday night AYM youth program, Zac and his team are creating a space for youth to ask and look at some deeper questions about God, faith and the world. You will enjoy a feed, hanging out together and looking into some deeper content than what is usually on offer at the Friday youth programs. All secondary school aged youth are welcome
When: Sunday at 4.00pm Where: AYM Leaders Flat (20 Marsden Avenue, Karori).

The Worship Team is looking for new people to train as sound technicians. If you have an ear for music and enjoy being part of a fun team then please contact Heidi in the office or email: heidi@karorianglican.org.nz

In these trying times there are many people in need and thankfully some of them are enjoying the Manna Ministries frozen meals made by our wonderful parishioners. Thank you for your kindness!
If you haven’t yet had a chance to participate in stocking the freezer, you can pick up containers from the church foyer on Sundays or from Heidi in the office and you can drop the frozen meals in when you get a chance. Ka Pai!

Given Wellington’s recent move to Alert Level 2 and keeping in line with the Government’s guidelines, from this Sunday we are going back to having a 9.00am and 11.00am service to enable cleaning and to minimise contact between the services. Should the situation change after the Government announcement tomorrow we will contact you with further information.
Guidelines: Social distancing is back in place which means – no contact, 2 metre distancing (except for families), no morning tea, and the children of the 11.00am service will be dropped off and picked up by parents at their Godzone venues.
Communion: By one element (bread) only.
Contact Tracing is important, so if you have a phone download the app and scan in, or sign in with the person at the door when you come to a church service. https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-and-conditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-novel-coronavirus-resources-and-tools/nz-covid-tracer-app
Pastoral Care: Do stay home if you are concerned or are unwell but stay in touch and do use the extra support services we have in place. Our more vulnerable brothers and sisters have a pastoral care phone tree in place that has been continuing for some time now. If you know of someone who you think is extra vulnerable, please phone Wendy Davidson Tel: 027 488 5071.
Counselling: If you require some excellent counselling support over this time, Kirstie Wilton is available every Friday. You can book an appointment on https://www.strengthtostrength.co.nz/
Extra Services and Support: The Diocese are continuing with their online Sunday services. https://movementonline.org.nz/upcoming-services
Remember: Regular cleaning of hands (hand gels will be available in church), stay home if ill, and if you are over 70 consider attending the 9.00am service.

12 – 14 March 2021 – Palm Grove Christian Camp, Paraparaumu
Please put this date in your diary now!
We have booked a speaker and are organising a kids programme for our Church Weekend. We will be spending time together, listening to God and enjoying the beautiful surrounds and optional activities just 45 mins from Wellington.
Accommodation is in cabins/rooms that sleep 4-6 people. Catering is provided and there are heaps of activities to do on site including a 90mtr waterslide, archery, orienteering etc, as well as having easy access to Paraparaumu.
The cost estimate at this stage is $120 Adult, $90 primary age, $45 pre-schooler, which is great value as it includes all your food.
This is a fantastic opportunity for us to all spend a couple of days together, learning and growing in faith and having fun.

Interested in Purchasing a Pew?
If you are interested in purchasing a pew, please register your interest by emailing Heidi in the church Office heidi@karorianglican.org.nz . Costs to be advised.