Diocesan Team Training Day
If you are going could you consider being part of the team as the Diocese needs helpers on the day for various jobs. There is a clipboard in the gathering area with more details to sign up.
If you would like more information please visit http://movementonline.org.nz/trainingday

Karori Anglican AGM, 30 March, 7 pm
St Mary’s Church
The evening begins at 7 pm with shared dessert and coffee. Please bring dessert to share. Meeting starts at 7.30 pm. Nominations and any items to be raised at the AGM must be given to the Vicar, Ian Cook, by no later than 22 March midday. Nomination forms are available in the Gathering Area.
Please note: No impromptu business will be accepted on the Meeting’s Agenda. Please note, only those on the Parish Electoral Roll can vote. Parish Electoral Roll is available in the office and will be in the Gathering Area. If you wish to be added to the Electoral Roll please complete an application form in the gathering area and return to Wendy or the Church Office.

PlayGarden Next Steps!
Thanks to our generous givers our vision of a welcoming outdoor space for all people in our community is going ahead.
Saturday 14 March from 10 am-2 pm
we are using a borrowed rotary hoe to dig up the 15m x 3m piece of turf. We need 4-5 strong people to do this in shifts and to turn the soil.
29 March after the 10 am combined service we will be digging in compost and holding a Planting Party and Picnic. We need as many people as possible. Bring your spades, forks and protective gloves/hat/mask. Wheelbarrows or buckets needed too. Even if this is not your thing come across after the service and be part of the fun.
If you can help let the office know.

Do you knit or want to learn to knit? Do you want to help others?
Love N Stitches do just that with love and laughter.
Love N Stitches meet second Saturday of the month, 1.30—4 pm
Next meeting 14 March at the church office. Everyone Welcome.

Church Camp, 12-14 March 2021
Next year we are planning trip away together, to spend time together, listen to God and to enjoy the beautiful surrounds just 45 mins from Wellington at the Palm Grove Christian Camp, Paraparaumu. So book the dates in your diary now!
Accommodation is in cabins/rooms that sleep 4-6 people, catering is provided, and there are heaps of activities to do on site (90 mtr waterslide, archery, orienteering etc), as well as being easy access to Paraparumu. We intend to organise a speaker and have children’s sessions too as well as lots of free time.
This is a fantastic opportunity for us to all spend a couple of days together, learning and growing in faith and having fun! We won’t be organising a large group to attend New Wine next year, though of course you are very welcome to sort yourselves to attend there as well.
Cost – estimate at this stage, $120 Adult, $90 primary age, $45 pre-schooler

Crafty Conversations
Bring your knitting/crochet or craft and a friend. Enjoy a coffee and good conversation.
Do you want to learn to knit or crochet? We can help you there too!
Every Wednesday, 10 am, Karori Park Café. For more information speak to Wendy.