The 7 week series on Ephesians continues…
Karori Baptist Church (KBC) is hosting Dr. Myk Habets and Dr. Peter Thirkell to discuss Euthanasia and the Christian Faith on Saturday, 15 August at
KBC, 161-163 Karori Road from 4:30pm-6:30pm.
Refreshments will be provided.
We are holding a Grandparents Service on the 5th Sunday, 30 August at 10.00am.
Do invite your extended family along for this special family focused gathering based on the theme ‘kindness’.
Early Contractor Involvement Tenders
We are currently reviewing tenders from building companies. Early contractor involvement ensures that the design can be built cost effectively. It also gets us the maximum value and enables a strong partnership with the builder for the construction phase. This is especially important as we continue to operate SMASH, ECEC and the Parish Office during construction. Please pray for us as we select the right building company.
Resource Consent Clarification
As previously advised we gained resource consent in April this year (Hooray!). The resource consent covered improving access to the rear of the current hall (past the current church offices), demolishing the brick hall and rebuilding the end of the current Activity Room to include meeting space, and to construct the New Build on the Karori Road frontage which contains the staff offices, meeting space, soft play area and hospitality space.
This two-step process allows us to start the building works while completing the second resource consent steps to enable us to operate at a commercial level.
Key to gaining the second consent is working with a café partner and we are in the process of identifying potential partners. We are not anticipating any significant issues in gaining the second consent.
This work is still very much in action as we seek a further $1.8million. We are currently applying to the Lotteries Board and planning a fundraising event in October for philanthropic members of the public. Please keep both of these activities in your prayers.
If you have any questions, please do get in contact with Geoffrey Lee or Kate Harvey-Green who are happy to discuss this further with you.
We are holding a working bee at St Mary’s on Saturday 15 August, which also happens to be St Mary’s Patronal Festival.
Tasks include: lawn mowing, edging, pruning, weeding, tree trimming, lowering the trees to the top of the fence line to the east of ECEC, pew and bench seat sanding and staining, fence painting, delivery of wood mulch and firewood to deserving parishioners, taking foliage to the landfill, raking leaves and preparing morning tea for 10.30am. Bring gloves, ear and eye protection.
If you are interested in joining the ‘working bee’ team, please contact Mike Scrivener for more details: mikejudiscr@gmail.com.
Our pastoral manager Wendy Davidson is on leave until the end of August.
If you require any pastoral care or you have a query or concern regarding pastoral care, please contact:
Judy Scrivener – mobile: 021 255 4566.
Judy is the pastoral care contact for the first two weeks of August whilst Heather Coster is on leave.
For any other queries please contact Heidi at the church office.
Morning prayers each weekday morning from 7.30am to 8.30am at St Mary’s church.
“Be still in the presence of the Lord”
12 – 14 March 2021 – Palm Grove Christian Camp, Paraparaumu
Please put this date in your diary now!
We have booked a speaker and are organising a kids programme for our Church Weekend. We will be spending time together, listening to God and enjoying the beautiful surrounds and optional activities just 45 mins from Wellington.
Accommodation is in cabins/rooms that sleep 4-6 people. Catering is provided and there are heaps of activities to do on site including a 90mtr waterslide, archery, orienteering etc, as well as having easy access to Paraparaumu.
The cost estimate at this stage is $120 Adult, $90 primary age, $45 pre-schooler, which is great value as it includes all your food.
This is a fantastic opportunity for us to all spend a couple of days together, learning and growing in faith and having fun.
The Winter Alpha course started this week and runs from 7.00 to 9.00pm each Wednesday night for the next 9 weeks. It’s not too late to join up!
If you would like to join this course, please contact Heidi in the office: heidi@karorianglican.org.nz
The Parish Dinner was held last Saturday and a great night was had by all!
We’d like to thank our wonderful actress Catherine McMechan for playing the part of the White Witch so wonderfully and her helpers Gryffin Jones and Geoff Lee aka Edmond and the dwarf!
Also, a big shout out to the table hosts and the organisers for all the hard work they put in to making this a successful and fun filled night!
Wellington Cathedral of St Paul
AYM Youth Church is back up and running on Sunday evenings.
This is a fantastic Anglican initiative, full of energy and passion, for young people to experience worship, to engage with Jesus and other young people.
Interested in Purchasing a Pew?
At our AGM the Parish decided to relocate and sell the pews currently stored on our grounds. The ways of doing this included offering them to Parishioners for purchase.
The grass has been growing under the pews for long enough so we have moved quickly and are now working with a furniture maker to assess how to best realise the value the pews represent and expect in a few weeks to be able to advise indicative pricing, options for customisation and have some sample pews for presentation to Parishioners and the wider market.
It is encouraging that the furniture maker reinforced the scarcity and high value of the pews.
If you are interested in purchasing a pew, please register your interest by emailing Heidi in the church Office heidi@karorianglican.org.nz
That way we can keep you informed of progress, options and pricing.
A few parishioners have recently had their KAC giving receipts rejected by IRD. If this has affected you, please contact Heidi in the office and she will provide you with a replacement receipt printed on KAC letterhead.
Thanks to all you wonderful people who have helped to fill up the Manna Ministry freezer! If you have not yet had a chance to make some meals, containers are available to pick up from the church foyer after our services.